Classification and Analysis
A. Definition
Classification is a special technique in writing involving the grouping of data based on a certain principle and discussing each group.
Analysis is special technique in writing that involves the breaking up of a topic in parts and discussing each part in detail.
B. Uses
Classification is used in organizing or collating the collected data for a technical paper like research report.
Analysis is used in the detailed presentation of the data for a technical paper.
C. Types
There are two types of analysis:
Analysis by division: simple analysis
Analysis by dissection: in-depth analysis
The data in classification are groups and sub-groups.
The data in analysis are parts or sub-parts.
Groups, sub-groups, parts, and sub-parts can be arranged chronologically, spatially, and logically, depending upon the topic.
Some reminders in classification and analysis:
Use a single principle of classification and analysis.
Do not allow the groups or parts to overlap.
Make the groups or parts relatively complete.
Make the treatment of parts balanced.
Use appropriate organization patterns.
Use appropriate statistical tools of analysis.
Outline of the Body of a Research Report
I. Introduction
.....A. Background
.....B. Statement of the Problem
.....C. Significance of the Study
.....D. Limitation of the Study
II. Review of Related Literature
.....A. Review
.....B. Theoretical Framework
.....C. Conceptual Framework
.....D. Null Hypotheses
.....E. Definition of Terms
III. Research Design
....A. Method of Research
....B. Nature of the Sample
....C. The Data Needed
....D. Sources of Data
....E. Procedure
IV. Analysis of Data
.....A. Analysis of Data for Specific Question 1
.....B. Analysis of Data for Specific Question 2
.....C. And so on
V. Interpretation of Data
.....A. Analysis of Data for Specific Question 1
.....B. Analysis of Data for Specific Question 2
.....C. And so on
VI. Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation
Induction and Interpretation
Induction, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances. It is a conclusion reached by this process.
Interpretation is the process of explaining the meaning of data presented.
Induction is used in interpreting the data. Interpretation of data is used in explaining the meaning of the data analyzed so as to arrive at the answers to the specific problems in research.
The contents in induction and interpretation are sets of data (particular facts) and the generalization derived from the sets of data.
The data in induction are arranged logically.
Reminders in writing induction
Include reasonable and manageable number of instances (data or sample).
Use scientific method of gathering data.
Use a representative sample.
Make an accurate record of your evidence.
Make generalizations based on your evidence.
“Data interpretation.” Petech Home Page. Retrieved Jan. 31, 2006.
“Induction” American Heritage Dictionary in
Rorabacher, Louise Elizabeth, Georgia Dunbar and Clement Dunbar Assignments in exposition. 12th ed. NY : Addison-Wesley, 1996.
“Writing Assignment: Induction Essay.” Home Page. Retrieved January 31, 2006.
A. Definition
Comparison is a special technique in writing that takes account of the similarities of two or more things belonging to a certain class.
Contrast is a special technique in writing that takes account of the differences of two or more things belonging to a certain class.
The term comparison is often generally used to refer to both comparing and differentiating.
B. Uses
Comparison is used in making scientific decisions. It is used in the interpretation of data.
It is also used to make unfamiliar things familiar.
The data in comparison are the similarities and differences of two or more things.
Although similarities and differences can be organized chronologically, spatially, and chronologically, a special pattern of comparison is also used. There patterns are:
Block pattern
Alternating pattern
Block pattern uses the things compared as main points and the bases of comparison sub-points.
Alternating pattern uses the bases of comparison as main points and the things compared as sub-points.
Alternating pattern is preferred as it makes the comparison direct. Block pattern can, however, be used in one sentence comparison.
Some reminders in comparison:
Use a single set of criteria of comparison.
Compare two or more things belonging to one class. They should be two things alike but different.
Make the treatment of things compared balanced.
Use an appropriate pattern of comparison.
In technical writing, use an appropriate test of significant difference to arrive at scientific decisions.
Rorabacher, Louise Elizabeth, Georgia Dunbar and Clement Dunbar Assignments in exposition. 12th ed. NY : Addison-Wesley, 1996.
Description of a Process
A. Definition
Description is a special technique in writing that takes account of sense perceptions and information.
Process is a special technique in writing that takes account of steps or stages in a process.
Description of a process is special technique in writing that takes account of steps to provide information on a process.
B. Uses
Description of a process is specifically used in explaining the methods used in the collection and the treatment of data in technical papers.
Process is used in writing memorandum.
C. Types
1. Types of description
a. Evocative description – aimed at stimulating the emotion.
b. Informative description – aimed at giving information
2. Types of process
According to performer:
a. Man-performed process
b. Machine-performed process
c. Nature-performed process
According to purpose:
a. Direction-giving process
b. Information-giving process
The data in the description of a process are steps.
The data in giving directions are also steps.
The data in description are sense perceptions and information.
Steps in a process are always arranged chronologically
A. Reminders in writing description of a process:
1. Use indicative mood rather than imperative mood.
2. Emphasize the work done rather than the doer. Better put the doer in the background. Avoid using first person pronoun and active voice.
3. To avoid errors in tenses, consistently use narrative present.
B. Reminders in writing directions:
1. Make your directions complete.
2. Use simpler and more familiar terms. Define special terms.
3. Give reasons for the steps that are confusing.
4. Include negative directions.
5. Use illustrations.
Methods of Research
Research can generally be classified into the following:
1. Experiment
2. Survey
3. Objective Observation
4. Content Analysis
5. Case study
6. Historical study
7. Ethnographic study
Based on the treatment of data, it can be classified into:
1. Normative
2. Comparative
3. Correlational
Based on the type of data collected:
1. Quantitative
2. Qualitative
Based on the availability of information about the subject of study:
1. Descriptive
2. Exploratory
Based on the degree of scientific importance:
1. Pure
2. Applied
Research methods can also be classified according to the specific fields of profession.