English 113 Syllabus
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Languages
School Year 2005-2006
A. SUBJECT : English 113
B. COURSE TITLE : Technical and Research Report Writing
C. COURSE CREDIT : 3 units
D. PREREQUISITE : English 110, English 111, English 112
1. General:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to write a research report and other technical papers commonly used in different professions.
2. Specific: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
a. compare and contrast technical writing and other forms of writing;
b. describe the steps in writing technical papers, especially research report, and the parts of the said reports;
c. show concretely his/her knowledge in special techniques in writing technical papers;
d. recognizes the similarities and differences of the different types of technical papers;
e. conduct research on a topic related to his/her course and write a report on the said research work;
f. illustrates the data gathered in the research work;
g. identify aspects in a research report and other technical papers that should be reported orally;
h. deliver an oral report on technical papers, especially research report.
1. Research report
2. Assignments
3. Writing exercises
4. Seat work
5. Group work
6. Recitation
7. Quizzes
8. Major examinations
I. Preliminary Considerations
A. The Characteristics of Technical Writing
B. Basic Principles and Aspects of Technical Writing
C. Style in Technical Writing
D. The Process of Writing Research Report and Other Technical Papers
E. The Parts of Research Report and Other Technical Papers
II. Special Techniques in Writing Research Report and Other Technical Papers
A. Definition
B. Description of a Process
C. Classification and Analysis
D. Comparison and Contrast
E. Interpretation of Data and Induction
III. Types of Technical Papers
A. Recommendation Report
B. Proposal
C. Feasibility Report
D. Progress Report
E. Report in Printed Forms
F. Technical Correspondence
1. Memorandum
2. Business Letter
G. Research Report
H. Report Layout
1. Report Format
2. Visual Aids
I. Oral Report
“Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.” PNNL Home Page. Updated May 17, 2000. http://www.pnl.gov/ag/usage/acronym.html.
Halligan, Nancy. “A short course on writing technical reports.” Technical Writing Home Page. 2005. http://www.technical-writing-course.com/
Jones, Dan. The Technical Communicator’s Handbook. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
Laflen, Angela. General Technical Writing Guidelines. Online Writing Lab (OWL) Home Page. August-Sept. 2001. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/ hypertext/reportW/generalguidelines.html
McCaskill, Mary K. “Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization.” A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors.” NASA SP-7084. NASA Home Page. Accessed May 12, 2005. http://stipo.larc.nasa.gov/sp7084/sp7084ch4.html.
McMurrey, David A. Online Technical Writing. IO.Com Home Page. 2005. http://www.io.com/~hcexres/tcm1603/acchtml/acctoc.html
Mills, Gordon H. and John A. Walter. Technical Writing. Rev. ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
Rorabacher, Louise and Georgia Dunbar. Assignments in Exposition. Seventh Edition. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1982.
Ross, Carolyn and Andel Thomas. Writing for Real: A Handbook for Writers in Community Service. New York: Longman, 2003.
Standler, Ronald B. Technical Writing. RbsO.com Home Page. Last re3viced Aug. 22, 2000. http://www.rbs0.com/tw.htm.
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Languages
School Year 2005-2006
A. SUBJECT : English 113
B. COURSE TITLE : Technical and Research Report Writing
C. COURSE CREDIT : 3 units
D. PREREQUISITE : English 110, English 111, English 112
1. General:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to write a research report and other technical papers commonly used in different professions.
2. Specific: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
a. compare and contrast technical writing and other forms of writing;
b. describe the steps in writing technical papers, especially research report, and the parts of the said reports;
c. show concretely his/her knowledge in special techniques in writing technical papers;
d. recognizes the similarities and differences of the different types of technical papers;
e. conduct research on a topic related to his/her course and write a report on the said research work;
f. illustrates the data gathered in the research work;
g. identify aspects in a research report and other technical papers that should be reported orally;
h. deliver an oral report on technical papers, especially research report.
1. Research report
2. Assignments
3. Writing exercises
4. Seat work
5. Group work
6. Recitation
7. Quizzes
8. Major examinations
I. Preliminary Considerations
A. The Characteristics of Technical Writing
B. Basic Principles and Aspects of Technical Writing
C. Style in Technical Writing
D. The Process of Writing Research Report and Other Technical Papers
E. The Parts of Research Report and Other Technical Papers
II. Special Techniques in Writing Research Report and Other Technical Papers
A. Definition
B. Description of a Process
C. Classification and Analysis
D. Comparison and Contrast
E. Interpretation of Data and Induction
III. Types of Technical Papers
A. Recommendation Report
B. Proposal
C. Feasibility Report
D. Progress Report
E. Report in Printed Forms
F. Technical Correspondence
1. Memorandum
2. Business Letter
G. Research Report
H. Report Layout
1. Report Format
2. Visual Aids
I. Oral Report
“Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.” PNNL Home Page. Updated May 17, 2000. http://www.pnl.gov/ag/usage/acronym.html.
Halligan, Nancy. “A short course on writing technical reports.” Technical Writing Home Page. 2005. http://www.technical-writing-course.com/
Jones, Dan. The Technical Communicator’s Handbook. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
Laflen, Angela. General Technical Writing Guidelines. Online Writing Lab (OWL) Home Page. August-Sept. 2001. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/ hypertext/reportW/generalguidelines.html
McCaskill, Mary K. “Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization.” A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors.” NASA SP-7084. NASA Home Page. Accessed May 12, 2005. http://stipo.larc.nasa.gov/sp7084/sp7084ch4.html.
McMurrey, David A. Online Technical Writing. IO.Com Home Page. 2005. http://www.io.com/~hcexres/tcm1603/acchtml/acctoc.html
Mills, Gordon H. and John A. Walter. Technical Writing. Rev. ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
Rorabacher, Louise and Georgia Dunbar. Assignments in Exposition. Seventh Edition. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1982.
Ross, Carolyn and Andel Thomas. Writing for Real: A Handbook for Writers in Community Service. New York: Longman, 2003.
Standler, Ronald B. Technical Writing. RbsO.com Home Page. Last re3viced Aug. 22, 2000. http://www.rbs0.com/tw.htm.
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